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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Awards

Global MIG Mini-Grants for Conferences and Service Trips


To enable and encourage our members to have a presence in the international nutrition arena, representing both the dietetic profession and Global MIG (GMIG). Grant recipients are to attend a health and nutrition conference to promote global nutrition, GMIG, dietitians, and to develop collaborations. Alternatively, grant recipients may participate in a global nutrition service trip. Based upon the conference/trip experience, recipients are to provide information about nutrition and engagement in the international arena to GMIG.

Applicant Eligibility:

Grants are available to current GMIG members only.  All member categories (Active, Student, Retired, International, International Student, Life, Associate) are encouraged to apply.


Grants may be awarded up to $750 for participating in global nutrition conferences and service trips. For conferences, the grant is to be used toward expenses for registration fees, transportation, modest lodging, meals during the event, and materials such as posters and handouts. For service trips, the grant is to be used towards expenses for international travel (VISA application fees, required immunizations, modest lodging, etc.), transportation, and direct costs for meals and educational materials not otherwise covered by partnering organizations.


Target Conferences
Conferences that will be considered for the grant include those with a focus on health and nutrition issues relevant to low-and-middle income countries. Applications are for a specific applicant to attend a specific conference. Priority will be given to applicants attending conferences that the Executive Committee deems to be of priority for GMIG’s influence and benefit. Priority will also be awarded to members who are actively involved in GMIG and/or can demonstrate the value that GMIG and the profession of dietetics brings to global health and nutrition.

Applicants may participate in the conference in varying roles and capacities:

  • Poster presenter
  • Oral presenter
  • Invited speaker (presentation based upon your own CDR credentials, not as an official Academy Spokesperson)
  • Exhibitor (not as an official Academy Spokesperson)
  • Conference official
  • General attendees

Grantee Expectations

  • Maximize participation in the conference during attendance.
  • Participate in formal and informal networking activities during the conference, ideally sharing GMIG approved promotional materials; representation not as an official Academy Spokesperson.
  • Provide education to GMIG members regarding the conference by contributing a significant article in the GMIG newsletter and/or an Academy publication within two months post conference.
  • Inform GMIG leadership on the conference attendees’ perceptions of GMIG, dietitians, and the Academy’s role in global health.
  • Submit timely expense receipts for reimbursement up to awarded amount.

Service Trips

Criteria for trip

Service trips that will be considered for the grant must include nutrition related activities and serve populations from low-and-middle income countries. This may either involve service in low-and-middle income countries or domestic service to international, low-income populations, such as refugee, asylum-seeking, and recent immigrant populations. However, preference will be given to service conducted in low-and-middle income countries.

Service trips must be in partnership with implementing or coordinating in-country organizations (NGO, Ministry of Health, educational institution, etc.). Applicants working with organizations that are not focused on nutrition must be able to add a food and nutrition-related component to the service trip. The service activity may be part of a student or intern’s field or supervised practice experience.

Grantee Expectations

  • Maximize participation and focus on service-oriented activities by refraining from tourist activities during work hours or days.
  • Participate in nutrition-related programming, research, education, and/or collaboration as directed by coordinating organization.
  • Provide education to GMIG members regarding the service trip by contributing a significant article in the GMIG newsletter and/or an Academy publication within two months of the concluding the trip or by presenting a webinar.
  • Inform GMIG leadership on organizational members’ perceptions of GMIG, dietitians, and the Academy’s role in global health.
  • Submit timely expense receipts for reimbursement up to awarded amount.

Application and Fulfillment Periods

The online application is available twice per year during late winter and summer. A total of three grants will be awarded annually, and this number can be increased or decreased based on funding availability and merit of applications. The total number of awards will not be granted within a single application period so that applicants in subsequent periods have opportunity to receive funding. If no applicants are qualified during any grant period, then the grant funds can be rolled over into the following fiscal year.

Applications should be submitted up to twelve months preceding the opportunity. If the applicant is unable to attend the target opportunity;

  • the grant can be awarded to another applicant for that opportunity;
  • the grant can be delayed if the conference or service trip has been delayed;
  • the grantee can use the funds for a different, GMIG approved opportunity;
  • other arrangements can be made based on a case-by-case basis approved by GMIG.

Any alterations to the original grant are at the discretion of the Grant Committee and can be made outside the granting periods as needed.

Grant Committee

The Grant Committee will include the Grants and Awards Coordinator of the Membership Committee, the Treasurer, the Past Chair, and a fourth member at the discretion of the Chair. The responsibilities of the committee include promotions, application review, grant monitoring and fulfillment of recipient expectations. 

Conference Mini-Grant Application Service Trip Mini-Grant Application