External Resource Libraries

Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Action Against Hunger

Alive and Thrive


Catholic Relief Services

CAWST: WASH Resources

Children for Health


ECHO Community

FSN Network

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Health   

Global Health Workforce Alliance

Click on Knowledge Centre

Global Health Media

Global Waters

Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies

Advocacy Resource Center

Knowledge Bytes

IFPRI: Library Knowledge & Management

JHPiego (John Hopkins University)

Click on Resources

Micronutrient Forum

Miracles in Action


Proyecto CAN

Save the Children


The Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition (SISN) Knowledge Hub: The Knowledge Hub is a search facility designed to help you find key resources on implementation science in nutrition. This includes a wide range of materials from journal articles, papers, case studies, reports and presentations.

ST4N Knowledge Hub

The State of Acute Malnutrition. English, French

Sustainable Development Goals FAO Indicators

University of California-Davis - Institute for Global Nutrition

UNSCN Nutrition: UNSCN Nutrition is a periodic review of developments in international nutrition compiled by UNSCN from a variety of sources of information. It aims to serve as a communication channel for the international nutrition community of practice, highlighting recent developments in policy and programme. The UNSCN Nutrition has published peer reviewed papers on relevant nutritional issues including updates on UNSCN members’ activities twice a year since 1988. Recent topics include: Nutrition in a Digital World; Food environments: Where people meet the food system; Changing Food Systems for Better Nutrition

UNSCN Publications: UNSCN publications are designed for nutrition practitioners, programme managers and development workers around the world to provide them with cutting edge information on the latest news on food and nutrition policy and programming. Topics include "Discussion Papers" on urban-rural linkages for nutrition; non-communicable diseases; water and nutrition; schools as systems to improve nutrition; sustainable diets; and malnutrition.

USAID: Feeding and Disability Resource Bank. Multiple Languages

UN World Food Program(WFP)

WHO: One-stop resource toolkit launched on refugee and migrant health

WHO e- Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions(eLENA). Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish

World Vision

External Spanish Libraries



The Global Member Interest Group (GMIG) and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics does not endorse the content, products, or services on other Websites. GMIG does not accept solicited requests to become a resource.